The SDI Animal Stimulator can be used for conditioning prior to testing. Use the Animal Stimulator wherever pairing of light and shock and/or sound and shock are required. There are three stimuli; light, sound and shock. There is also an Auxilary connection that allows you to connect your own device.
There are three stimuli: light, sound and shock. In addition, there is an auxiliary connection that allows you to connect your own device. The LED light unit provides very bright light with no heat. The sound is controlled by the computer sound card allowing flexibility in sound selection and amplitude. The shocker is a solid state unit providing constant current shock to the grid in a random pattern via eight outputs.
The integrated software provides a simple point and click interface to develop reusable scripts that control the order of stimulus presentation as well as the duration of each stimulus. The integrated software also has a simple interface to select the desired sound, white noise or single frequency. The amplitude of the sound is also set from the software. The Animal Stimulator is connected to a computer via USB.
Animal Stimulator Components:
10″ W x 10″ D x 4″ H
Control Unit Weight
4.5 lbs.
Outside Dimensions Enclosure
10″ W x 10″ D x 9 3/4″ H
Inside Dimensions Enclosure
10″ W x 10″ D x 7 1/2″ H
Enclosure Weight
5 lbs.
Control Box: ABS Plastic
Enclosure: Acrylic
Standard Cable Length
6 ft.
Stimuli Options
Sound, light, shock